Quotation of the Day

Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate

John F.Kennedy

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Marriage Anniversary!!

Wishing my parents Happy Anniversary,who are celebrating their Pearl Jubilee..(30 years).

Mom & Dad,
We both(sis &myself) are really proud to be your daughters...We express thanks for all things you did to us.
You taught us to love,to learn,to share,to stand on our very own strength, and to never give up..
You taught us to live.
We are blessed to be your kids.We love you mom & dad....forever...
Pray for you to have healthy and much more blissful life going forward!!

Wishing  my in-laws ,a very Happy Anniversary,who are celebrating their Coral Jubilee...(35 years)
We pray for you to have healthy,happy and lovely life ahead!
Thanks for all the advice and support providing....

We are grateful for letting us to know that we can count on you all!!!!

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