Quotation of the Day

Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate

John F.Kennedy

Friday, April 29, 2011

Cashew Mango Mutton Curry

A special recipe for all of us,prepared around summer when raw cashews,mangoes comes into market.My maternal granny used to prepare this dish which used to take a very long procedure dealing with the cashews.
The rich sour taste of mangoes along with cashews makes this dish taste worthy.

Ingredients :
1.5 pounds mutton,finely chopped and cleaned
1 raw mango,finely chopped in 2" slices
bunch of cashews,soak in water for an hour
2 medium size onions,grounded to paste
2 tsp chillie powder
 1/2 tsp garam masala
1 tsp turmeric
salt accordingly
2 tsp vegetable oil
2 tsp ginger garlic paste
10-12 curry leaves
bunch of finely chopped coriander leaves
Method :
1. Check whether mutton is tender or not.If not,place in cooker adding 1 tsp ginger garlic paste,pinch of turmeric and water and cook for minimum3 whistles.(I cooked for 8 whistles)
2. Bring oil to heat in a kadai and add onion paste,ginger garlic paste,curry leaves and saute until raw smell of onion leaves off.(around 3-4 min in medium flame)
3. Add mutton pieces ,salt to it and mix well.Cook for 4-5 min by adding little bit of water in between.Make sure the pieces wont get burned.
4. Add garam masala and few coriander leaves and  cook for few minutes.Add chillie powder and saute for few seconds.
5. Now add soaked cashews just by spreading all over.Cook for 3min by checking in between.
6. Spread mango pieces around and add some water.Reduce the flame by low and cover it and let it cook for 4 min.Make sure to mix the curry in between for each  minute.
7. When you see the oil floating on the curry,off the stove and garnish with coriander leaves.Serve with  hot rice.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Busy and Tired Week!

My home have been filled with guests,relatives,friends.
Got busy all these week.No time to blog though have lot of things to share.
Celebrated my birthday..
Celebrated Easter...
Had a small get together kinda thing...
Did not dare to try a new recipe ;)
But tried one of my mom's recipe.
Will post it soon.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


My first flower at first spring for the first time :)
Got a Hibiscus plant from store .
Waiting for the bud to bloom from 3 days.
Finally....I woke up to see the flower.Am sooo happy.

Whenever am at my home,my mom who is a garden freak(as we all call her),always urge me to see her plants and flowers.I could not understand her urge.But now... I can..

Friday, April 15, 2011

Aloo 65

Inspired from chicken 65,tried with vegetable too.My most Favorited vegetable ,Potato.We usually call it as 'Aloo'

Ingredients :
2 semi boiled potatoes,cut in shape of small finger fries
6 tsp of all purpose flour\maida
3 tsp cornflour
1 tsp chillie powder
1/2 tsp garam masala
salt as required
2 tsp ginger garlic paste
pinch of food color
12 long slit chillies
some curry leaves
1/2cup of curd
 Finely chopped spring onions to garnish
Oil required for deep fry

1. Combine potatoes, cornflour,maida,gingergarlic paste ,chillie powder,salt ,garam masala and mix well  by slightly adding water.
Mix well and marinate them for 30 min.
2. Heat oil in a pan for deep fry.When oil is sufficiently hot,take small amounts of the marinated potato mix and deep fry them like pakoras.
3. Heat 2-3 tsp of oil in a pan and add chillies,curry leaves to it.Fry for few seconds.
4. Add the curd(better sour),red color,salt,pepper(1/2 tsp). Add the fried potatoes
Cook for 3 min in low flame.
garnish with spring onions and serve.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Dinner in Diner

Went to Diner for dinner.Had a great time.
Spent very leisurely,got warm welcome from the staff...enjoyed the food..love the place , decor and its ambience.
Ordered Italian dish ,Chicken marasala and chicken soup and italian salad.
My hubby ordered Veggie Omelette with bacon on it.
My bro ordered Chicken Parmigian with linguine and lentil soup and salad.
Couldn't take pics of all of the dish especially the omelette, as my hubby was fast enough to dive into it before I took camera.
Marasala with mushroom sauce

Chicken parmigian

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Aloo Bread Bajji

Its being raining from the morning.And we all are having really a dull,boring day.Discovered that my pantry had some stale bread.Browsed some sites to use leftover bread.
Tried this recipe and it came out well making our day :)
Ingredients :
Bread slices - 4-6 slices
2 boiled and mashed potatoes
1/2 tsp chat masala 
3 chillies ,finely chopped
1tsp  finely chopped corinader
1/2 tsp finely chopped ginger
2 tsp lemon juice
1 cup besan/sengapindi / chickpea flour
1/2 tsp Rice flour (optional)
1/2 tsp Ajwain seeds/Vaamu
Salt as required
1 tsp chillie powder/pepper
Oil for deep fry

Method :
1. Combine potatoes,chillies,coriander,ginger,chat masala,bit salt and lemon juice and mix well.
2. Take a bread slice and spread the above mixture over it.Cover the mixture with another slice of bread making it like a sandwich.
3. Cut the sandwich in four equal parts and keep aside.
4. Combine both flours with salt,ajwain,salt,chillie powder.Add little water and mix well to form a thick smooth batter.Do not add too much water.
5. Heat enough oil in a deep frying vessel.Heat oil sufficiently.Dip each part of sandwich into the besan batter such that they are well coated and place it in the hot oil.Reduce heat to medium and deep fry them till they turn golden brown.Turn them both sides using a ladle to cook equally. 
6. Once they turn golden brown,remove from oil and place them in absorbent paper and serve with ketchup or chutney.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

On Request

My mama wants to know about the plants we took.She want to have pictures of them.
Finally I got them.
Here mom & dad...I got a full grown rose stem,about to sprout.Picked yellow color.
Another red rose plant which I have been caring from Christmas period.
And two hanging corona dianthus plants...
Hope my garden blooms to the fullest.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

First post after New year!

Before blogging,let me wish all of you Happy Ugadi!
Celebrated this telugu new year with varieties of dishes which I never tried before.
Got flowering plants for my li'l garden for the first time after my marriage.
Hope they flourish well.
Shall post pics of my plants as soon as they settle here :)